Online vs. Offline

While I am not a completely different person online and offline, I am not always similar in my actions when it comes to being in the digital world or the physical world. For example, if I am speaking with someone I am not very comfortable with I am more outgoing and comfortable online than I would be offline. However, if I was having a conversation with a close friend my actions would not vary much online compared to offline. In addition, I am more aware of my sentence structure and how grammatically correct I am when typing online than I am when I am just speaking freely outside of the internet. Depending on the online activity, such as writing an email, I can be more formal than I am offline. Even though I am somewhat different in my online self, I overall find myself to be not very different between the two.

3 thoughts on “Online vs. Offline

  1. Hi Stella,

    I find it really interesting how we’re similar because we’re both similar yet different online and offline.


  2. Nice job Stella! I find it fascinating how we both are so similar both online and offline. I too try too remain formal when writing emails to others. Keep up the good work!

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